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The Largest Study on Fasting in the World 

The Buchinger-modified fasting program is put to the test. A century ago, fasting—“starvation, as a therapeutic measure”—was described as “the ideal...


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A 12-Minute Meditation to Embrace All Your Parts

This week, Carley Hauck guides us to embrace all parts of ourselves—what isn’t serving us, as well as what we see as our...

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The Largest Study on Fasting in the World 

The Buchinger-modified fasting program is put to the test. A century ago, fasting—“starvation, as a therapeutic measure”—was described as “the ideal...

Exploring Mexican Cuisine with Alexa Soto

We had the pleasure of talking with Alexa Soto about her work, food, Mexican cuisine, and Hispanic Heritage Month. We...

Eating an Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Lupus 

Green smoothies are put to the test for the autoimmune disease lupus. There are dozens and dozens of journals I try...

A recap from FNCE 2024​ ​

Join us as we recap the Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo (FNCE) with registered dietitian and food and nutrition strategist, Janet Helm. Janet...

3 Common Ones, Plus Their Solutions

“I work with coaches and other people who know too much.” Kate Solovieva is a former professor of psychology, a PN master coach, and PN’s...


10 Foods That Help Safeguard Heart Disease

Heart Health 101What is Heart Disease?The Good News: Food to the Rescue!1. Leafy Greens: The Ultimate Heart Helpers2. Berries: The Antioxidant Powerhouses3. Fatty Fish:...

How To Boost Your Immune System Completely

Understanding the Immune SystemA Delicate BalanceLifestyle Changes to Boost Your Immune SystemGet Enough SleepExercise RegularlyManage StressEat a Balanced DietNutrients and Supplements to Boost Your...

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