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Visualize Thoughts as Clouds in the Sky: 12 Minute Meditation

Gently let go of attachment to your thoughts with a technique called "cognitive defusion" from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.In this practice, you’ll explore...


mental health

Visualize Thoughts as Clouds in the Sky: 12 Minute Meditation

Gently let go of attachment to your thoughts with a technique called "cognitive defusion" from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.In this practice, you’ll explore...

Family Health

Missing or Incompletely Formed Limbs – Missing or Incompletely Formed Limbs

Limbs can be missing, deformed, or incompletely developed at birth. Birth defects, also called congenital anomalies, are physical abnormalities that occur before a baby...
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What’s the Best Weight-Loss and Disease-Prevention Diet? 

The most effective diet for weight loss may also be the most healthful. Why are vegetarian diets so effective in...

Can Fasting Be Healing? 

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Obesity medications | Dietitian Connection

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